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Helping people create sustainable healthy lifestyles to be and do all that they're made to do! You are MADE WELL to BE WELL!
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Apr 29, 20163 min read
Isn't it just eating less & exercising more?
Most people want to know the key to health. You usually don't run into someone who says, "Yeah, I don't really care if I have chronic...
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Mar 3, 20164 min read
Are all calories created equal?
By the end of college, I had gained about 20 pounds. Part of that was because I was super skinny in high school, and could stand to put...
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Feb 11, 20163 min read
The "Stomach": Your 2nd Brain
Have you ever been super nervous for something, and suddenly your stomach begins to cramp and feel uncomfortable? Or maybe you can...
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Feb 3, 20166 min read
Why Diets Do Not Work...
Yup, I said it, they just don't work. Now, why would I, as someone who is studying over 100 different types of diets, say that diets...
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Jan 20, 20164 min read
Why do you eat?
Sounds like a dumb question, I know. But have you ever really thought about it? I honestly can't say I've answered that question for...
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Nov 30, 20153 min read
5 Tips For Healthier Cooking
Cooking your food is one of the best ways to ensure you're getting the nutrition your body needs. The challenges with that are often...
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Nov 4, 20155 min read
Why We NEED Vitamins
I have become passionate about the necessity of vitamins for everyone. For me, it is not a question of whether or not a person feels...
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Oct 2, 20152 min read
Because I'm in it for the long haul!
Here's the deal, I REALLY want to make an impact in this world. I want people to live out their calling, reach their dreams, and...
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Robin Rhine McDonald
Sep 18, 20152 min read
Cheat With the Good Stuff
This delicious looking breakfast is not the epitome of health, BUT let me tell you why it's important to still be intentional when you're...
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